Monday, July 23, 2012
Batch #1 - El Jefe (Bavarian Hefeweizen)
Our first batch done as Foothold Brewing. To get our feet wet, we started with doing some extract based brews. We ordered from Austin Homebrew Supply since they had a good selection. The beer came out good for our first attempt together.
Style: Extract Brew
Sub-Style: Hefeweizen (15 A)
Malts: Cara Pils Malt
German Pilsner Malt
Hops: Bittering - Hallertau
Flavoring - None
Aroma - Hallertau
Yeast: Wyeast - Weihenstephan Weizen 3068 Activator
Number of Bottles: 50 (12 oz. bottles)
Original Gravity: 1.050 (76°F)
Final Gravity: 1.010
Percent Alcohol: 5.24% by Volume
Comments: The beer had a pleasant taste and overall feel. There was a subtle banana flavor on the first part of the taste (which came from the yeast), followed by a subtle clove taste at the end. There wasn't much aroma. We first tasted the beer 4 weeks after brewing (2 weeks after bottling) and it had a much more pronounced 'creaminess' to it. This went down slightly after 5 weeks, but there was more carbonation at this time. The beer is good chilled with a slice of orange in it. It tastes like a traditional wheat beer, although the biggest flaw that we noticed was a slightly 'watery' taste to it.
Personal Ratings: Karari: 37-38/50, Andy: 36/50
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